Mouse Kdrama follows Jeong Ba-reum (Lee Seung-gi), a steadfast police officer, whose life changes when he encounters a psychopathic serial killer. This drives him and his partner Go Moo-chi (Lee Hee-joon) to unearth the truth behind psychopathic behaviours.
Mouse is one of those KDrama's with a lot of twist and turns of the story. You can never settle on one episode alone because each of the episodes gives you something to think about. This KDrama gives me a lot of headaches (a good one) and it was really hard to finish at first with all the dragging scenes. But I made it yay! :)
From the moment Jeong Ba-reum (Lee Seung-gi) enters the screen, I already felt something. I know there is something more from his character knowing how KDrama works. It didn't fail me when I finally realized what I was watching. LOL!
If you've been following Lee Seung-gi, there was actually a Press Release of who is the young actor portraying the kid Jeong Ba-reum. You might get confused at the first few episodes so I advised you to really watch all of the episodes to understand who that kid was.
The plot/story was not that easy to follow. You really need to catch up with it or else you will not understand it. The connection of each characters are so twisted that you might think they did bad from their past life experiencing the very hard traumas and difficulties in life.
The scenes are out of the ordinary and anyone can die. It feels illogical at some point and there are complicating matters like brain transplants. They actually had me on detecting psychopath genes from babies where they can distinguish serial killers before birth.
From that first scene, going back and forth from the past and present, I found myself asking who is the real son of the Head Hunter killer. And that my friends, will start your journey on watching Mouse.
I can't really explain on this blogpost how the story goes because it's beyond complicated. Better watch it, hahaha! But all I can say is I applaud all the main actors and actresses on this series especially Lee Seung-gi. He has the hardest character to portray. They all did well and give all their all for their characters.
Anyway, a lot of people might actually find Mouse as confusing and hard to follow. If you are a fan of mystery thrillers, you might want to give this a shot. For me, the ending really did well. It was the ending I've wanted for Jeong Ba-reum. It made me feel all sorts of emotions. I also like the fact that they give us all the explanations before the series ended, atleast there was a closure.
Watch Mouse on VIU.
*images are from
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