"It is an honor for our group to contribute to the endeavors of PHISGOC in hosting the games in our country and bring Filipino pride by showcasing our world-class venues.”
The Mall of Asia Arena was announced as the final venue for the 5-on-5 Basketball games, one of the much-awaited events in the line-up of competitions. The games at the Arena will run from December 4 to 10, with the Philippine team defending their title as champions for the Men’s Division.
For Ice Sports, SM Skating Mall of Asia will be the official venue for Ice Hockey happening on December 1 to 8; and SM Skating Megamall will hold the competitions of Figure Skating from November 29 to December 1 and Short Track on December 3 & 4. Despite being a tropical country, the Philippines has proven to excel in these sports, with the Philippine Ice Hockey team defending their title as champions of the region, coming from their gold medal finish in Kuala Lumpur last 2017.
This will be the 4th time the Philippines will be hosting the SEA Games, with 2005 being the last year the country hosted the games. With over 56 sports to be played and more than 10,000 athletes participating, the 30th SEA Games this 2019 is set to be one of the biggest events in the region this year.
SM Tickets will be providing its full-service online ticketing system and their dedicated customer care hotline for the 30th SEA Games. As the largest ticketing service in the country, all tickets to the 30th SEA Games will be available across all SM Tickets outlets nationwide located at the Mall of Asia Arena Box Office, and SM Malls through its Business Centers inside The SM Store and ticket booths located at SM Bowling, SM Skating, and SM Cinemas. Tickets may also be purchased online through www.smtickets.com or through the on-site ticket booths at select games and events.
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